
Your Custom Home Policy
You weighed your options and decided on an HO-3 home insurance policy. You chose replacement cost over actual cost, and now you need to customize your policy, so it covers everything inside your home, too.
Your Custom Home Policy
When Armadillo Insurance Agency says home insurance doesn’t come standard, we’re not kidding! Since every Austin TX home differs, so should every Austin, TX’s homeowners’ insurance policy. What you need differs from your neighbors’, so you’ll need to determine the major items requiring extra coverage.
Your HO-3’s policy covers your personal property up to a percentage of the home’s value. That doesn’t cover everything you own to its full value though, unless you have an empty house. This blog explains the customizations you can make to a policy.
First, are you married or engaged? Look at your left hand, if so. Could you afford to replace the rings on it? If not, insure them specifically with a jewelry clause.
Second, do you run a home-based business? You need to add coverage for your business equipment and business liability.
Third, how many hobbies do you and your family have? Do any of them require expensive equipment like a 35 mm camera and film development equipment? You’ll need to add a rider to cover those items.
Fourth, do you or any member of your household engage in sports? The equipment to train for it can cost quite a bit. For example, a home gym or road bike can cost thousands. Add a hobby or toys rider to your policy for these items.
Fifth, do you own any haute couture or designer clothing or suits? Could you afford to replace those $5,000 to $7,000 suits all in one fell swoop? What about those designer dresses you nabbed for a song online? Add extra personal property coverage for their replacement.
Contact Armadillo Insurance Agency in Austin, TX today to learn more about customizing your home insurance policy. It can cover the replacement costs of your personal property, you’ll need to add to its coverage to do so.